The Police
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Here is your quick round up from me and the rest of the Holbrooks neighbourhood policing team.

Dear Resident,
Here is your quick round up from me and the rest of the Holbrooks neighbourhood policing team.
What’s been happening?

The team attended and dealt with another cannabis factory this week. This time it was in a block of flats where the housing provider had to attend due to a large water leak coming from one of the properties within the block. Officers and PCSOs on the team attended along with representatives from the housing provider and a cannabis grow was discovered at the location. There were four rooms being used to grow cannabis within the flat. The team dismantled the setup and a total of 105 plants were removed from the property.

Officers located a stolen Ford Focus earlier in the set whilst out on routine patrol. The vehicle stood out to the officers who were patrolling areas across our patch. The two officers stopped to check the parked vehicle and were able to confirm that the vehicle was stolen after checks on the police national computer showed the number plate the vehicle was displaying did not match the VIN number displayed in the corner of the vehicle’s windscreen. The vehicle had been stolen an earlier that day from a location close to where the vehicle was found.

A second stolen Ford Focus was recovered yesterday after a member of the public called in a vehicle that was displaying the same number plate as their vehicle. We attended and the vehicle was confirmed to be a stolen car that was displaying false plates. The vehicle had been stolen at the start of the year from the Hinckley area and was found early January in the Radford area of Coventry where officers attempted to recovery the vehicle but the vehicle was re-stolen at the time before it was loaded onto the recovery agents’ truck. This time we were able to stay with the vehicle till it was recovered onto our recovery agents’ truck and we even followed the vehicle back to the depot to make sure it arrived safely.

We have recovered one vehicle for having no valid road tax this week. The vehicle was parked on the Junction of Beacon Road and St Lukes Road and belonged to a male who is buying and selling vehicles from the location. The local NHT and council are working together to find a resolution to these issues as local residents have complained about the number of vehicles the male stores at the location. This is the 8th Vehicle we have seized from the male in the past year.


Crime Figures

There has been Six reported vehicle offence in the past Nine days on the Holbrooks Ward. Three of these were Theft of Motor Vehicle offences that have taken place on Watery Lane, Compton Road and John Brooks Gardens. There were Two Theft from Motor Vehicle offences that took place on Nunts Park Avenue and Glentworth Avenue. There was One attempted Theft from Motor Vehicle that took place on Yarrow Walk.

There were Two reported burglary offence in the past Nine Days on the Holbrooks Ward. There was One Attempted Burglary of a Residential Home on Greenwood Place and there was One Burglary of a Business on Beake Avenue.


Get involved.
Streetwatch is a community patrol initiative that helps you make a difference where you live. Street watch gives you and your community an opportunity to keep your area safe, including just walking round your neighbourhood, which can really help. Local police keep in regular contact with street watch members to share information and work in partnership with you.
If you are interested in taking part in a Streetwatch within the Holbrooks area you can contact the Holbrook, Radford, Sherbourne

& Bablake team on holbrookandradford@westmidlands.police.uk


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Message Sent By
Alan Minten
(Police, PCSO, Holbrooks, Radford, Sherbourne & Bablake )

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