The Police
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Bablake Weekly Update

Dear Residents


Your weekly update.


This week, crime has been low in the Bablake Ward.



There has been one burglary on Wall Hill Road this week. This occurred on Wall Hill Road in the afternoon of the 8th February. Offenders have smashed a glass panel in the rear door and entered the property. They have gone on to steal a substantial amount of jewellery.




There have been two vehicle offences reported this week.

The first one occurred overnight on 5th February on Tamworth Road.

Offenders have gained entry to a work van and stolen tools.

The second one occurred overnight on 8th February on Long Close. Offenders have gained entry by unknown means to the vehicle and stolen property from within.


Please don’t leave any property on display in your vehicles. This is temptation for offenders.



The team had a good start to the week. On our first day back in, a cannabis factory was found at a property. One in custody and cannabis destroyed. Another one off the streets.


The team have been actively patrolling the areas we cover.

Several vehicles have been seized for a number of reasons. One was on cloned plates and some for no tax.

We have also had reports of Anti Social Behaviour on Watery Lane. Officers have been patrolling in that area but as of yet have not found anyone there. Patrols will continue.


If there are any concerns by where you live, let us know and let us do the rest.

Stay Safe

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Message Sent By
Kurshid Underwood
(Police, PCSO, Holbrooks, Radford, Sherbourne and Bablake NPT)

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