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Chelmsley Team Newsletter

Good evening Resident


Chelmsley Wood Policing Team, covering Marston Green, Chelmsley Wood & Fordbridge.


Chelmsley Officers have worked really hard alongside staff from One Stop Marston Green to collated the evidence for multiple offences committed by one prolific offender. Hours, of statement taking and CCTV footage viewing, later and this male has been arrested, charged and presented at court this morning. They will return to court next month for sentencing and I will update you then.



PCSO Karen has been tutoring PCSO Rean for the last few weeks and he has now left us to take up his new posting on the Smiths Wood Team covering the Kingshurst area.  We wish him well and we hope you give him a warm welcome if you see him around Kingshurst.


I would like to thank Chelmsley Town Parish Council for inviting us to be present at their Residents Hub last Saturday. It was lovely to see so many of you popping in and accessing all the information on offer. 

We will let you know when the next Residents Hub meeting is being held.


Welcome to those who we signed up to WMNow messaging, please remember to update your profile if you get doorbell and/or house cameras. Occasionally we contact residents who have ticked the CCTV box if we need you to check your footage for us. 


Date for your Diary

On Monday 13th May myself and a Police Officer will be holding a Cuppa with a Coppa drop in session, at Three Trees Community Hub on Hedingham Grove, Chelmunds Cross B37 7TP between 18:00 – 19:30hrs


Recent Crime 1/4/24 to present time

  • Between 1st- 3rd April an outbuilding was broken in to on Arderne Drive and bicycle wheels and spare parts were stolen.  See advice below for shed security.
  • Between 02:00 - 06:00hrs on 2nd April an offender attempted to break in to a property on Foxglove Crescent. They tried to snap the rear patio door lock but no access was gained.
  • At 18:35hrs on 2nd April the front bumper of a Ford Puma was removed but left behind as the offender was disturbed on Yorkminster Drive.
  • During the early hours of 3rd April, the front bumper and number plate was stolen from a Kia vehicle parked on Kelsull Croft.
  • Between 03:00 – 03:30hrs on 4th April 2 offenders attempted to break into a property on Sheepclose Drive. They tried to smash two windows but failed due to window reinforcement.
  • Between 15:50 – 16:20hrs on 4th April a Vauxhall Corsa was stolen from Greenlands Road.
  • Between 21:43 – 22:13hrs on 4th April the front bumper and number plate was taken from a Hyundai on Maytree Close.
  • Between 19:30hrs on the 5th and 04:40hrs on 6th April the window of a Ford Puma was smashed on Lowbrook Way so the offender could take a dash camera.
  • Overnight 5th – 6th April the front bumper of a Ford Fiesta was stolen on Kelsull Croft.    

    It is this time off year many of us start tidying our gardens, getting our pedal bikes out and going into our sheds more. Take a look at the below tips for shed security.



    Homeowners can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this type of crime by following these simple and cost-effective measures:


    •     Put away all tools and equipment. Ensure all outside sheds and store cupboards are securely locked when not in use.

    •     Bring tools inside if you do not have a shed or garage.

    •     Use suitable plants to enhance perimeter protection such as thorny shrubs.

    •     Install outside security lighting, which comes on automatically at dusk.

    •     If you have a burglar alarm why not extend it to cover outbuildings and sheds.

    •     Photograph valuable garden plants or ornaments.

    •     Mark your property with your postcode and house number this makes stolen property easier to trace and it can be positively                identified as yours.

    •     Check that your household insurance policy covers theft from your garden and outbuildings.

    •     Regularly check fences and gates are in good repair and check for any overgrown areas where someone could hide

    •     If you have a local Neighbourhood Watch scheme, why not join in? Or start a new one. Take a look at www.ourwatch.org.uk  


    Please visit these websites for more crime prevention advice:





    Let’s hope the weather soon starts to reflect our eagerness to get outside.

    Stay safe & well

    PCSO Vicki



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    Message Sent By
    Vicki Poole
    (Police, PCSO, Chelmsley Wood NHT SHAE, Marston Green SHAA & Fordbridge SHAH)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials